Disposable / Flat Panel air filters are a standard grade filter , the same filter that has been used in furnaces and central air conditioners around the world for over 50 years. Designed for use Residential or Commercial Applications , the filtering medium is a continuous filament spun glass which has a very low pressure drop. For peak equipment protection and energy efficiency , these filters should be changed monthly.
To select a Custom Size , measure your filter's Length , multiply it by your filter's Width for 'Total Surface Area Square Inch' - select based on your thickness, custom filters are cut approximately ± 1/8".

Minimum (12) Filters
Minimum Size: 5" x 5"
Maximum Size: 27" x 36"
Spun Glass Filter
Lasts up to 30 Days
Maximum Air Flow
Alleviates Strain on Equipment
Metal Reinforced , 1-Side
Made in the USA
Standard Sizes Available