MERV11 Pleated Filters are a significant upgrade in filter efficiency over pleated MERV8 filters with nearly the same resistance levels. MERV11 filters provide high filtration performance (60-65% average efficiency) while saving energy with a low pressure drop. Our MERV11 filters allow you to upgrade your existing filter without modification providing an ideal choice for most homes to improve air quality or commercial applications to reduce airborne particulates. MERV11 filters are also available in 2" and 4" thicknesses; standard and custom sizes. Be sure to change your filters as recommended to ensure the best possible air quality. Depending on your application MERV11 filters can last up to 90-days.
Due to excessive box size and/or shipping restraints , many sizes and/or thicknesses may require a custom quote or estimate; additional shipping charges may apply for oversize filters, as well as 2" thicknesses.
Most 1" Filters Ship FREE in the Continental U.S...We Ship Worldwide! xxxxxxxxJob Quotes & Bulk Estimates Available, Contact Us with your Details.